Amazonite, known as the "Stone of Courage and Truth," is revered for...
Carnelian is the "Stone of Motivation," promoting vitality, creativity, and passion. Its...
Jade is the "Stone of Serenity," offering protection, emotional balance, and wisdom....
Labradorite, often called the "Stone of Transformation," is known for its powerful...
Lapis Lazuli, known as the "Stone of Wisdom," is a powerful symbol...
Moonstone is the "Stone of New Beginnings," known for its ability to...
Onyx is the "Stone of Strength," known for its grounding and protective...
Clear Quartz is the "Master Healer," amplifying energy and intention while promoting...
Rhodonite, often referred to as the "Stone of Compassion," is known for...
Tiger Eye, known as the "Stone of Courage and Strength," is celebrated...
Turquoise is the "Stone of Healing and Protection," cherished for its calming...